Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Unable to connect to the MKS failed to connect to server by Using vCenter Web Client

Unable to connect to the MKS failed to connect to server by Using vSphereWeb Client on vSphere Enterprise 550 and vCenter 550

If this problem happen try the below

1-Try to resolve the host name of the vSphere host and the vcenter server by using nslookup command form the command prompt it must be resloved by both host name and IP address

 2-Try also manually to add the ip and host entries in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file

ip  A.B.C.D  esx1.mydomain.local  //vsphere host

ip A.B.C.D vcenter01.mydomain.local //vcenter server

3-Try to check the windows firewall settings in the vCenter server by using the firewall.cpl from the command prompt and open the 902 port  here is the details of all vcenter ports

ESXi 5.x902TCPvSphere ClientESXi 5.xvSphere Client access to virtual machine consoles (MKS)

vCenter 5.x902TCP/UDPvSphere ClientESXi 5.xvSphere Client uses this ports to display virtual machine consoles.

After that check to open the console using vsphere web client it will open successfully.


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